Dagcoin’s core development timeline
Dagcoin is building the fastest growing and widest cryptocurrency ecosystem ever. The ecosystem has a strong emphasis on usability as it is the main cornerstone in building a stable currency for the future. A global currency that can be used and utilized all around the world.
Read moreAdded on September 2020
- Continuation of developing the new design for the new wallets
- ATM and VATM development updates
- Codebase improvements to witnesses
Added on August 2020
- Live infrastructure migration to new servers
- Live infra speed, recovery, and stability improvement
- New wallet development for the desktop and web application
- ATM and VATM integrations to the wallet
Added on July 2020
- HMWS, KYC, and DMS services implementation to the enhanced platform
- HMWS, KYC and DMS services speed improvement
- KYC process improvement with phone verification
Added on June 2020
- Infrastructure configuration for live server migration to enhanced platform
- KYC improvement with email verification
- New release for wallet 1.0 with updated KYC screens v. 2.2.4
- Implementation of the new design into the wallet
Added on May 2020
- New wallet version live with Merchant Finder
- Improved KYC screens
- New release for wallet 1.0 with updated KYC screens v. 2.2.4
- Configuration of Kubernetes wallet prelive and stability test
- Fixed HMWS que issues.
- DMS: improved user sections: Added persmission layer
Added on April 2020
- Integration of Merchant Finder into the wallet 2.0
- Improving KYC process
- Deployed new version of the explorer at production
- HMWS live
- DMS added HMWS statistics to DMS
Added on March 2020
- KYC live for all platforms
- Additional features namely Buy dagcoins and Use dagcoins screen
- Rancher managing tool
- KYC gateway Live
- KYC process improved
- DMS. Added KYC statistics
- DMS. Improved transactions statistics by KYC data
Added on February 2020
- KYC functionality testing
- Improving KYC processes.
- Finished production upgrade for OS
- Restored performance network servers
- Created CI/CD for explorer
- KYC-sandbox upgrade, test and configuration
- npm compile issues with core module connected to CI/CD
- CI/CD to prelive for DMS, HMWS and Explorer
- Transactional reporting solution for explorer
- KYC integration with Verify Once
Added on January 2020
- Implementing KYC screens in wallets 1.0 and 2.0
- Integration and connecting KIT with KYC Gateway
- Added new monitoring tools to the AWS instances (Elastic search + Kibana statistic and monitoring tool)
- preLive servers update
- created Fluentd configuration for client wallet versions statistics
- Working on HMWS based on users needs. Documentation of API layer
- DMS. Added User settings.
- KYC: integration with VO API.
Added on December 2019
- Started: KYC process description and analyse
- Preparing visual screens and code base for KYC readiness
- More black box testing
- Fixed realtime statistics export
- HMWS first version in prelive for testing
- DMS: added additional statistics
- Started developing KYC gateway
Added on November 2019
- Wallet 2.0 Dark mode development started
- New release with optimisations and improvments
- Black box testing
- Improved statistics data for DMS
Added on October 2019
- IOS Wallet: Feedback fixes based on initual release
- KIT for wallet: Smart contract research
- Added Continuous Integrations for Native wallet repository and KIT repository.
- Extensive penetration and security testing
- Continuous development of DMS
- HMWS: Headless Memory Wallet Service. Analysis and POC
Added on August 2019
- Final testing of IOS wallet
- IOS wallet release v1.0
- Bug fixes
- Explorer developments: DMS platform: Dag Monitoring System
Added on August 2019
- Continue to integrate KIT with interfaces.
- First testing of new wallet for IOS.
- Wallet 1.0: Added double check functionality. New release v2.0.9
Added on July 2019
- Starting to connect KIT for wallet with Interfaces.
- Created Support version wallet (possibility to restore broken seeds)
Added on June 2019
- Wallet 2.0 Added Pair devices screens
- Wallet 1.0 new release 2.0.6
- KIT for wallet: Completing working on Send functionality. Start working on Pair devices functionality
- Galera cluster POC
Added on May 2019
- Wallet 2.0: Added Send coins screens
- Wallet 1.0 New release v2.0.4a (updated Node version)
- KIT for wallet: continue working on send coins functionality
Added on April 2019
- Wallet 2.0 Added Receive coins screens and adress book
- KIT for Wallet: Started implementation of Send functionality
- POC Galera cluster
Added on March 2019
- Old wallet bugs fixing. new release 2.0.3
- Wallet 2.0: added Create wallet screens
- KIT for wallet: Implemented create wallet functionality
- Added Servers Monitoring system (Zabbix)
Added on February 2019
- Old wallet bugs fixing
- Rebranding of wallet
- Old wallet new version released. v 2.0.1t
- Web wallet created and configured Continuous Integration
- Improvements to infrastructure architecture
Added on January 2019
- Angular wallet bugs fixing
- Started development of new wallet (React-Native) for IOS and Android wallet (one code base)
- Started development of new desktop wallet (React + Electron)
- Improvements on VM’s
- Performance improvements for Instances
Added on December 2018
- Stability increase to all components and infrastructure
- Dagcoin network for development – working (testnet)
- Moved all related repositories to private repository
Added on November 2018
- Analysis for structural improvements
- Core code refactoring continued
Added on October 2018
- Core performance improvements
- Maintenance for old faucet, funding node
- Core code refactoring continued.
Added on September 2018
- Infrastructure stability and performance improvements
- Bug fixes
- Core code refactoring
Added on June 2018
- Merchant payment workflow update for new Dagchain and new wallet
- Explorer style changes
- Creation of private repositories
Added on May 2018
- New Dagwallet app released
- Support for old chain and new Dagchain
- Mass distribution of bytes to users for migration
- Creation of Live environment on AWS
- Genesis unit setup for Live environment
Added on April 2018
- Multiple UI changes and improvements to
a. Seed recovery
b. Address book
c. Chat scrollbar
d. Wallets - Continuing preparation to move from old chain to new Dagchain
- Development of Migration assistant
Added on March 2018
- Merchant integration test phase
- Security improvements
- Continuing with push notifications for android
- Small design changes
- Confirmed transactions on genesis unit
- Preparations for transactions migration from old chain to the new Dagchain
- Multiple device wallet additionol testing
- Multiple UI changes and bug fixes
Added on February 2018
- Wallet creation redesign
- Receive page redesign
- Fix: Exporting transaction in Windows
- Setup of new hub, witness, relay, headless wallet and core
- Bug fixes
Added on January 2018
- Windows package creation automation
- Complete redesign of the wallet creation process
- Wallet refactor to angular 2+
- Logical separation of wallet main pages
- Exit from Byteball platform
Added on December 2017
- Change of design and steps for creating wallet
- Payment process moved to state machine for more control over the payment process
- Notification of confirmed transaction
- Possibility to restore from seed on active wallet
- Wallet translation into several languages
Added on November 2017
- Creation of Devnet for chain migration
- Implementation of translation keys
- Multiple UI flow fixes
- Multiple bug fixes
Added on October 2017
- New UI and architecture
- Implementation of automatic file system
- Ability to check if paired device is connected
- Enable switching from light wallet to full wallet
- Changes to UI flow and bug fixes
- Implementation of automatic file system
- Send and Home page improvements
- Add ability to have multiple funding nodes
- Custom QR code with logo
- Automatically download client when new version is available
- Hub with multiple addresses
Added on September 2017
- Improve funding node and configuration
- UI improvements
- Architecture improvements
Added on August 2017
- UI complete redesign
- Ability to store pairing code and fee
- Branch stabilisation, merges and bug fixes
Added on July 2017
- Added functionality to store faucet payouts
- Added validation of device address
- Validation for negative numbers
- Chatbot added for faucet
- Code analysis for explorer for improving performance and stability
- Funding node development
- Improvements to AWS to increase network stability
- Travis Continuous Integration implementation
- Bug fixes
Added on June 2017
- Initial setup of genesis unit for Dagcoin Network
- Publication of faucet
- Faucet improvements to make it reload instantly
- Implementation of dynamic styles
- Code analysis and bug fixing
- Introduction os eslint